2019 At A Glance

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Wow, I can’t believe 2019 is over! I posted my Summer At a Glance this year already and I thought why not post regularly what I’ve been up to so my readers can get a better look behind the scenes.

First of all, I want to thank my readers who have faithfully been coming back to read my posts and try my recipes, it means so much to me. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year with their family and friends.

Here is 2019 At a Glance

I’ve rounded up my favorite memories of 2019.

Playing at our local Sports center during the cold winter months

We are fortunate to have a Fun Zone at our local sports center for kids. I took Liam there a few times for some fun as it is hard to be in the house all the time with kids in the winter. The Fun Zone is super awesome as there are a ton of toys and running around space for the kids to burn off their energy.

There are also free family events held sometimes with many different activities, bounce houses, and food. Here is Liam playing with the stacking cups at one of them. I always try to take Liam to these fun free events because he always has a blast.

Playing Outside

It’s funny how once you have kids everything you do pretty much revolves around them! As the warmer weather approached we tried playing outside whenever we could. Liam received a water table for his birthday this year and loved playing outside with the water, so I always dressed him in his bathing suit on warm days. I think it is very important for kids to get outside and play as much as they can, especially in this electronic age we are in.

Liam Turned 2

We had a ball themed birthday party for Liam this year. My inspiration came from this awesome blog called Urban Mom Tales, it has great posts for moms with littles, from birthday parties to baby food, and more. I can’t believe he is going to be 3 in just a few more months. Cherish your time with your kids because it goes by so quick!

Going to the amusement park and fair rides

We took Liam to the amusement park to enjoy some of the little kid’s rides. He really enjoyed the train. Dad also took him to our local fair to go on more rides and watch the monster trucks, which he loved.


Welcoming our new baby girl

On July 5th we welcomed our baby girl Sydney at 8 lb 5oz. We are overjoyed to have another little one join our family. Motherhood is a crazy journey but it is 100% worth it. She is almost 6 months, growing like a weed, and is the sweetest thing. I will be introducing solids this week!


Liam received his second ever haircut at the barber’s. I took him to Tommy Guns which is a barbershop for men. They have a tv on their mirrors so Liam got to watch cartoons while he got his hair cut and received a lollipop when finished. He did very well and looked so handsome. We usually use our hair shaver at home to cut his hair but figured it was time for a nice haircut we could actually style.

Swimming Lessons

November and December were filled with swimming lessons for the kids. Liam loves to play games in the shallow area but is scared to do a lot of the swimming skills. Sydney, however, loved to swim and never cried once, I think she is going to be my little swimmer.

First Christmas as a Family of Four

We had my family Christmas on Saturday and Christmas day we went to my husband’s family Christmas in the evening. We were blessed with many gifts on Christmas morning and had a wonderful time with family. We also try to teach our kids the real reason for Christmas and why we celebrate which is Jesus Christ. We say “Happy Birthday Jesus” with Liam.

Liam’s First-Time Ice Skating

Liam received a helmet for Christmas so we were able to take him skating. He did so well for his first time. He really enjoyed it too and said he wants to go again. We will be taking him quite often through the rest of the winter. My husband is a great skater, me not so much, so he will be teaching him for the main part.

Started Blogging More Consistently Again

Since I was pregnant for half of the year and still working part-time, I had a very hard time finding the time to blog. I was always tired and slept whenever I could. I find the best time to work on my blog is early morning and during Liam’s nap, so the blog kind of took a back seat for a while. However, once Sydney was sleeping more through the night I decided to get up early again and work during Liam’s nap because I am not as tired and I started drinking coffee again, which always helps. I got this awesome Nespresso machine and milk frother for Christmas! Here is a recap of all my posts from this 2019:

I had 17 posts, 15 which are recipes. I plan on posting a lot more in 2020. I have a few delicious recipe posts planned, as well as some exciting new things. If you aren’t already signed up for my emails, you can sign up here to be notified of all my future posts. I am also giving away a free digital download when you sign up “2020 Calendar Printout”.


All in all 2019 has been very good to us. The biggest highlight obviously being our little girl.

I can’t wait to see what this new year will bring for our family. I hope you all had a good year and an even better year in 2020. What was your favourite part of 2019? What are you looking forward to the most in 2020?


  1. Hi Taylor,
    I look forward to your blogs. I love the way you write. So warm and welcoming. Your recipes are always simple and delicious.
    Wishing you and your beautiful family many blessings in 2020.

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