At a Glance Fall 2020
Well, 2020 is over (as we all sigh with relief!). I think we were all ready for 2021, but first I wanted to take the time to reflect back on the Fall of 2020 and note all the positive things that happened behind the Tidbits by Taylor blog. I hope this post will inspire you and give you hope for the year ahead.
Thank you for being a part of my online community on the Tidbits by Taylor blog. Blogging has been quite the learning journey for me and I am looking forward to where 2021 will lead me! I hope you all can look back at 2020 and reflect on some positive things that happened throughout the year in your life.
Fall 2020 At a Glance
Going for Walks
Before it got too cold outside I would take the kids out everyday I could. Most of the time we would go for a walk. Sometimes we would end up at the park and sometimes we would end up at my parents house since we only live a few blocks away. It is so nice to be able to pop over and say hello for a short visit.
Girls Trip
One of the biggest highlights of the year for me was going on a girls trip to Saskatoon with 2 of my closest friends. It was so much! We went to The Berry Barn, bought some delicious strawberries, looked around the little store there, and got to see the animals at their petting zoo.
Then we hit up Fable Ice Cream for Salted Caramel Lattes! They were delicious. After that, we headed out for some glow in the dark mini-golf! I hadn’t been mini-golfing in years so it was the perfect thing to do.
For supper we ate at Las Palapas. I ate the Poblano Bowl, and it was so good! Las Palapas is a colourful restaurant with a tropical vibe and serving eclectic Pan-Latin and Caribbean food and drinks. The overall ambiance of the restaurant, food, and service are all fabulous. 10/10 would recommend!
At the end of the day we grabbed some dessert to go and sat by the North Saskatchewan River. It was an amazing day with great friends and I can’t wait for our next trip!
Trip to Edmonton with Family
My husband and I, plus the kids rented a Tahoe and headed to Edmonton for the night for some family fun! We wanted to go to a corn maze but we didn’t register in time and they were all booked full. So we mostly hung out at the West Edmonton Mall. We went played at the arcade and the kids had a blast playing games. We did a bit of shopping, and ate some good food.
We also got together with some friends and their kids for a short visit which is always nice. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express for the night and the next day we headed to the Water Park! The kids are still quite young so they mostly stayed in the kiddie pool, but they still had a lot of fun. Liam was scared to go any any of the bigger water slides though so hopefully next time when he’s a bit older he will try them. I did take Sydney on one of the bigger ones however, and I don’t think she minded the slide itself, but didn’t like being splashed in the face at the end.
Overall we all had a blast, and it was a great little family trip!
Swimming Lessons
The kids had their annual swimming lessons this Fall as well. Sydney loves swimming and is my little fish. William however, likes to play in the water but doesn’t like practicing his swimming skills so much, especially putting his head in the water. But the kids always have fun regardless, and my favourite part is when we get to sit in the hot tub at the end 🙂

Not technically part of Fall, but I had to include it. The kids got a big sled for an early Christmas gift from their grandparents and I took the kids sledding on Christmas eve. It was the first time the kids have ever been sledding. The kids and I all fit on the sled and we went down the baby hill together, which is still quite big in my opinion. We had a good time, and I’m not sure who had more fun…the kids or myself! It’s also a great workout walking up the hill over and over again too!

I hope you enjoyed reading my At a Glance Fall 2020 post! How was your 2020? What was one of your favourite memories? Answer in the comments below!
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