Noah’s Ark Birthday Party !

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April 26th was my son’s first birthday and we had a Noah’s ark birthday party for him. My son enjoyed it very much even if he didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. He had his first cupcake and loved it. He also enjoyed opening all his gifts.

My aunt Charmaine made it very special for him because she went all out on decorations that looked fantastic. We appreciated all the help and work she put into it.

I want to share this with you because I know a lot of people are not as creative and may need some inspiration for your kid’s birthday parties. This was for a first birthday party but it would be even better for a second birthday party to go with the animals two by two theme. It is also a great theme for baby showers especially for twins. It’s just a great theme all in all as it is also unisex.

Here are a few of the pictures we took:

Noahs ark birthday party

We decorated the food table as Noah’s ark and decorated the highchair in sea animals. My aunt made the ark by putting wood printed wrapping paper over cardboard. She cut out all the animals by hand out of construction paper, one lighter animal and one darker to show male and female, and taped them on with double sided tape. For the waves at the bottom of the ark she lined dark and light blue streamers together and then twisted them. The “Happy Birthday Liam” banner was also made by hand out of construction paper, and used sticky tack to apply to the wall.

Noah's ark food table

For the cupcake stand we cut and taped wood coloured paper onto each platter then taped dangling plastic jewels all around the edges to make a raindrop effect. This is the exact cake stand that we used for the cupcakes. Most of the serving ware was purchased from the dollar tree which is a great place for frugal party supplies.

Here is the list of food I made to go with the theme:

  • rainbow cupcakes
  • cheetos
  • rainbow goldfish
  • pigs in a blanket
  • rainbow pasta
  • chicken wings
  • chicken nuggets
  • animal crackers
  • rainbow fruit tray with dip
  • ocean water

To make the ocean water I mixed a 1.36L bottle of white grape juice, 2L bottle of Sprite, and 8 cups of water mixed with Great Value liquid water enhancer in Blue Raspberry(it takes about 8 good squeezes to make juice).

Charmaine made the labels at home as well.

rainbow cupcakes

These are the cupcakes I had made. The chocolate cupcakes were my own family recipe which I posted earlier, but I got the rainbow idea from the blog The Girl Who Ate Everything which is another great blog.

Noah's ark Theme

In this picture above you’ll see we put up a sunshine balloon  and made a rainbow and clouds out of smaller balloons. The rainbow is made up of rainbow coloured animal balloons  and taped together in the shape of a rainbow. The clouds were made up of a bunch of small white balloons , but we had to tape them onto a white piece of printer paper to get them to stick. It was a very simple party yet the decorations and food made it very special. I would love to hear about your party ideas and decorations in the comments below 🙂

If you have any further questions on how we made anything for this Noah’s ark birthday party be sure to contact me.

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  1. This is so adorable! Thank you for sharing. Did you have any games or activities to go along with the theme, and if so, what kind? Pin the tail on the donkey seems like a clear choice, but I bet you’d have some creative ideas!

    1. Your welcome 🙂 We did not do any games for his party because my son is only turning 1 we just had a very simple get together. The older kids played outside most of the time. Pin the tail on the donkey would have been a good game for it though!

  2. The rainbow cupcakes are so cute! Looks like you had a fun day to celebrate your son’s special day.

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