Spring 2020 At a Glance
Wow, Spring 2020 was quite an ordeal. From the Covid-19 pandemic to the Black Lives Matter protests and movement there has been a lot to deal with this year. For most of the Spring, we have been social distancing and not doing a whole lot outside of our home.
If you follow me on social media you know that I try to keep it positive and stick to blog related content such as delicious recipes. I do this because I want my accounts to be a place of joy and a temporary escape from our hardships and heartbreaks. This is not to say that these things aren’t important and they should be dealt with in a proper manner. However, I feel we all need a mental break from time to time and I want my social media accounts to give you joy at all times. But, please know that I have not ceased to pray for everyone’s needs in these trying times.
Now let’s get to the fun part! Read on to see what the Tidbits by Taylor household has been up to.
Spring 2020
Packing and Unpacking
Well, despite the fact that we were social distancing we have been kept pretty busy none the less. For the month of April, we had been busy packing up our home to get ready for the move. To save money, we decided to move on our own using our own vehicles. Which meant we had to take a lot of trips back and forth. But we are lucky we only moved about a 5-10 minute drive away. And because of the pandemic, we couldn’t enlist a lot of help due to social distancing. But we managed and are currently settled in our new home which we moved into on May 1st.

For the month of May, we unpacked and organized everything for the most part. I still need to hang all the pictures up but I’m still not sure where I’m putting everything yet. I mentioned our new home in May Favourites too.
Watching the kids grow up
Those with kids can agree with me that kids grow up so fast! Liam turned 3 on April 26th and it was like yesterday he was still a baby. He is such a big boy now and getting more and more independent and smarter every day.

Sydney just turned 11 months and will be a year old soon. This year has flown by! She is crawling everywhere and can stand all by herself. We are just waiting for her to take her first steps on her own. She is also very good at imitating sounds and will “talk” with you.
The kids have been busy playing. One of the things Liam has been playing with is his Mega Bloks. I look up Mega Blok’s tutorial on youtube because I have no natural building skills of my own. Family Playground has a lot of good tutorials. We have built robots, giraffes, castles, dinosaurs, etc. Of course, after all our hard work of building them, Liam being the boy he is has to smash them right after.
Sydney on the other hand loves to get her hands on anything she isn’t allowed to have! Like phones, remotes, etc. She also puts everything in her mouth and loves food so I have to really watch her!
We have also been playing outside as much as we can when weather permits. I think you’ll see this one on every At a Glance post because I think playing outside is so important for kids. One of the things we have done is play with chalk and we made an obstacle course for Liam to do. Liam has also been riding his new strider bike which he got for his birthday. Of course, we were not able to go to the parks for a while but the parks are now open so we will be going to the parks a lot this summer!
Easter of Spring 2020
We had a nice little social distancing Easter at home. I made ham, green beans, homemade dinner buns and homemade Chocolate Layer Cake.

We also traded some food with my sister in law as she made a turkey, stuffing and mashed potatoes. All the food was delicious! I shared the Chocolate Cake too so it didn’t last long.
We celebrate Easter for Jesus’ resurrection at the cross but we also gave the kids an Easter egg hunt and a chocolate basket for Liam. I did a little at home Sunday school with Liam since we weren’t able to go to church at the time. I explained why we celebrate Easter and why baby chicks and eggs are symbolism for Easter. They are new creations just like we are called to be new creations in Christ.
Planting Flowers
I have planted flowers before but it felt extra special to pick out the flowers and plant them this year, since we are at our new home. Before we moved we had lived in a basement suite with a separate entrance in the backyard so not a lot of people could see the flowers outside and before that we live in apartments where I just planted them on the balcony. It feels great to be able to see the flowers from the outside of the house and pass them every time we go outside.
Spring of 2020 Conclusion
All in all, the Spring of 2020 has been pretty good to us despite the circumstances. I feel so blessed and thankful to be living in our new home and that we are all healthy and happy. My husband Chris has had steady work through it all as well. Even though we had to social distance and we missed a lot of friends and family I have to say it was kind of nice to take a step back and take a break from all the hustle and bustle of normal life. But we are ready to go forward now this Summer, go back to Church and see what God has in store for us!
I am hopeful for the rest of 2020. Praying for you all and if you need specific prayer for anything please don’t hesitate to send me a message.
Much love, Taylor.
Read past At a Glance post’s here: