Summer at a Glance

Fall is upon us and I can’t believe summer is almost over. The chillier weather just makes me want to curl up with a bowl of hot soup or chilli.

Glancing back to our summer we didn’t go on any big, crazy trips, but we were still very busy! ​I know I usually share recipes, but I wanted to share more about me and learn more about you! 

We welcomed the arrival of our second baby on July 5th. Her name is Sydney and she is so very precious.

It was hard to find a rhythm with the new schedule, with a 2-year-old and a newborn. Now that Sydney is sleeping for longer, I am trying to get my life back together and post more for you guys.

Summer At a Glance

We went for a lot of walks to the park with my son, Liam. He is two and loves playing outside, especially at the park. We would walk to a nearby park and of course Liam had to bring his paw patrol ride along. He got it for Christmas last year and loves it! We also got him this basket full of sand toys for the summer and my husband Chris tied it to the back so he could bring it with him too !


We are lucky enough to have a Saskatoon berry bush and an apple tree in our back yard. After I recovered a bit from giving birth, I made a delicious Saskatoon berry crisp and apple pie filling (recipe coming soon!)

Saskatoon berry

Family is very important to us. My sister came down in August and we did some local exploring. We went to the local museum, made my slow cooker chilli, and went for ice cream. We also had a chance to celebrate my great grandma’s 100th birthday party! I am glad we got to spend so much time visiting and celebrating family this summer.

Our community hosts annual Heritage Day festivities, so we went there for a couple of hours. There was a ton of different activities to do and Liam had a blast.

heritage day

My friend Amy and attended our friend Della’s Tumbleweed Apparel Launch party. She sells cute and comfy t-shirts that are western inspired. I just had to buy one!


All in all, it was a pretty good summer. We had fun at a few local events and had some awesome special services at our church where we had a couple of evangelists preach. Of course, having our baby girl was the highlight of it all!

How was your summer? What was your favourite part? Answer in the comments below !

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