Winter 2020 At a Glance
Welcome to Winter 2020 At a Glance. I have decided to post these At a Glance posts on a seasonal basis. Every season I will take a break from my regular posts to update on what has been happening in the Tidbits by Taylor household. We are officially in the middle of self-isolating ourselves because of the Covid-19 virus but we are all still healthy and showing no symptoms, we are simply taking precautions. We are starting to get a bit stir-crazy though! Anyway here is a small recap of our Winter. Happy reading 🙂
Winter 2020 At a Glance
Sydney Started Eating Solids

I made a couple of batches of homemade baby food for Sydney now who is currently 8 months old. She has done very well so far. Most foods I have given her she has enjoyed. I am hoping she will not be a fussy eater. I am trying to give her all healthy foods and wait until her first birthday to introduce any sugar to her.
Making your own baby food is time-consuming but worth it for me because you save money and you know exactly what is in the food you are feeding your baby. I have bought Sydney a couple of baby snacks too which she probably loves the most though! Baby Mum-Mums and Puffs which are her favourite. She is still eating mostly purees but have given her a few small minced foods which she eats really well as she eats them on her own with her fingers.
Library and Reading at Home

Our library has a kids section full of kids’ books and chairs to read in. We always read a few books in the comfy chairs at the library and then take a couple home to read afterward. We read every day before bedtime so it is fun to check out a few books every now and then to switch it up. I think reading is very valuable and therefore we make it an everyday habit. We always try to read one regular kid’s book that Liam gets to pick and then we read one little bible story out of his Beginner’s Bible.
Brunch at Local Diner

I took the kids out for brunch at our local diner one day. Liam and I shared pancakes. It is nice to go on dates with your kids sometimes too for some quality time, and pancakes are one of Liam’s favourite foods.
Indoor Playground

We have spent a lot of time at our local indoor playground this winter. Both kids love playing there and best of all its completely free! I usually tried to take the kids once a week.
Traveling and Visiting with Family
At the beginning of February, we got the call that my grandpa was not doing well and probably wouldn’t make the night. I immediately started packing and the kids and I got in the car with my stepdad and drove the 5 hours it took to get to my grandfather. We thankfully made it in time and I was able to see and talk to him before he passed. It was a sad time as we miss him so much, he truly was an amazing grandfather. We came back up the following weekend for the funeral so it was a lot of traveling in a short time but completely worth it and the kids did so well. And even though it was a sad time for us all we loved seeing and visiting family as we celebrated my grandfather’s life.

Liam also got to see the cows at the farm while we were there and pet one of the bulls so he loved that. Both kids loved being there with all of the family too. <3
In March just before the Covid-19 virus got really serious my dad came down for a visit. He lives seven hours away so we don’t get to see him very often. We had a really nice visit and I made this Coffee Cake which we all enjoyed very much 🙂
Spending Time Outdoors

It was pretty cold here most days so I didn’t want to take the kids outside to play very often. However, when we did have a nicer day outside I tried my best to take the kids out for fresh air. We usually walk to the nearby outdoor park and play. I can’t wait until the warm weather comes out and we can go outside more often!
Baking with Liam

Of course, owning a food blog I tend to bake often. Liam has been my little helper lately. He always wants to play with mommy and daddy and sometimes I just don’t have the time so I try to get Liam involved in whatever I am busy doing if possible. He loves to help me bake. I let him pour the ingredients into the bowl and help stir… and he also loves taste testing if it is something sweet!
Busily working on the Blog
I am still getting up between 5 and 6 am most mornings to get some work done on the blog. I am trying to be as consistent as possible to post new recipes every week and with a few extra posts from time to time. Blogging has become a passion I have really enjoyed doing and I am constantly learning and trying to improve. I am also starting to love food photography and I know my journey has only just begun. There are a lot of challenges that come with blogging and food photography but everything is a learning process and I am truly enjoying it.
I was able to guest post on Food Matter as well in February! Check out the post here.
Here is a recap of all my posts from January-March:
- Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread
- Hamburger Soup
- Peanut Butter Squares
- Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Muffins
- Classic Brownies
- Chocolate Protein Green Smoothie
- 10 Tips to Save Money on Groceries
- Blueberry Streusel Muffins
- Death by Chocolate Trifle
- Healthy Sweet Potato Brownies
- February Favourites
- Chewy Banana Oat Bars
- Updated Perfect Pie Crust
- Chocolate Chip Protein Muffins
Don’t want to miss any future blog posts? You can sign up for my emails to be notified of all new posts and recipes 🙂
How was your Winter? Leave a comment and share with me 🙂